Below you find six suggestions, which are linked to the themes we talked about during the training sessions.

  1. Read chapter 1 in the book Creating Progress and afterwards reflect on which of the beliefs about progress currently appeal most to you and how people around you can notice you’re endorsing those beliefs
  2. Watch this animation about motivation and directing, listen to this podcast and read chapter 5 in the book Creating Progress. Subsequently, talk to your colleagues about if/when directing might be in order at CMGT
  3. Learn more about progress focused techniques by listening to this podcast about four progress focused roles and this podcast about developing your own growth mindset and  this podcast about progress focused helping  and this animation about the continuation question and read chapter 3 and 4 in the book Creating Progress
  4. Read How teachers can combine autonomy-support with structure
  5. Read How teachers’ motivation and mindset predicts how they teach
  6. Choose an article to read from this site. Articles are in Dutch but can be translated by the translate widget (in the menu on the right).

Video Dave Paunesku

Video Eduardo Briceno growthmindset

Video about the learning zone

Video Ed Deci 



Dear all,
We (Gwenda Schlundt Bodien and Coert Visser) are looking forward to meeting you next week for the training course on progress focused work.

This internet page

This internet page is just for your group and will be used in support of the training sessions. On this page we will upload articles, podcasts, videos and suggestions.

Two books

There are two books available for you, if you’re interested in reading about the progress focused approach. You can get these via Thomas or Nick.

What can you do in preparation?

If you’d like to do something in preparation of the training session you can choose one of the following suggestions:

  1. This week, at the end of each day, pay attention to which (small) progress you’ve achieved that day. Make a note of your progress.
  2. Read one of the articles you find via this link or listen to this podcast
  3. In a few conversations this week, focus consciously on joining and acknowledging the perspective of your conversation partner.

Centre for Progress Focused Work